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my first story

Was this for real? Is it so easy to capture a beautiful girl's imagination?(wish i knew it earlier!)... Or am i actually as 'irresistible' as Rohit found his sister; Sana; confessing in her diary? The girl might have a choice comparable to Nitika, but she is a bookworm and in any case, with Nitika adoring me, i dont care for what my status is in the secret labyrinths of her heart definitely beating just for me at this point of time.Also , she finds every baby and dog (pet or stray) she may carry on agonising her personal diary, it being her agony aunt.
BUT i must me irresistible, why else would nitika confess her love to me and invite me to her home at 6 p.m.? I love that girl.....with all my of now that is...(cant commit, what if Priyanka finds me irresistible too?)

I hate her! I am hundred percent sure that witch could not succeed in her 'write it to make it true' spell, so she used her magic potion(loads of tears) and verbal chants (help me with physics-oh wise one) to enter the sacred domain of my sweetheart's dwelling-tonight at 6 pm! I saw her with that expression of 'yes i cried a lot but will say am fine if u ask'; trying to look petite in her just about ok body standing besides the sensuous figure of my love. my enchantress informed me that she had invited Sana at 6 pm, to help her with physics. oh my innocent girl- dont u know sana eats, walks, sleeps, loves physics? BUT i wasnt fooled! one look at nitika's beautiful face (beautiful even in helplessness) and sana's smug expression (smugly ugly) revealed the entire story to me. In any case I am going to honor my heart captor’s  decision …and  am going to end the sorceress’s illusion of ever coming close to the ‘irresistible’ Ashwin’s heart.

Oh dear diary…I love Ashwin….i love his cute smile and cuter eyes…I love his unilateral dimple defying symmetry as the law of beauty…I love his presence in the same classroom….i feel his aura hitting mine and creating resonance in tribute to the perfect harmony of our frequency…..he is so IRRESISTIBLY CUTE….I only hope he is trustworthy…

God, you are so cool! You do make BIG plans!... you do assign each person a purpose in life, in ways humans cant comprehend..sana+nitika=2 girls.mealone = 1 boy…….so sana served her purpose…nitika’s parents trusted circumstances enough to go out for a movie together (I guess their romance finds opportunities like these hard to resist). That makes my doll’s niche more comfortable to explore. Now I just wish she gives the crybaby some sums to do and locks her up in the study room…in fact let me suggest that to her….NO, no ashwin….patience is the game, you seek complete control over the smart girl’s heart, let her lock the attention seeker without my stimulating her..she too would after all be dying to get rid of her…….

Nitika is a helpful girl….she never ever refuses a request.i wish she would be a little less helpful because my virtuous lady couldn’t refuse a call from her neighbour asking her ‘to please come over for a minute to help my son with his doubts in maths. He would have come to u but he has his exam tomorrow and even a little exertion on his behalf could be damaging.’….anyways, I don’t mind waiting for her….and am amused (as well as pampered) by the special attention Sana is giving me and the special indifference I am showing her….poor girl, doesn’t know everything is in vain;

Huh! The cliché ‘ I sprained my ankle’ trick..sprained her ankle while shifting weight from one leg to other? Ridiculous! Anyways nitika is not here and this girl is howling AS IF she is in REAL pain..will have to go for the ‘let me have a look at your ankle’ part…….

OH my gosh, nikita.. nooo. Oh my gosh!
No, I can explain nikita…hey! I know you are hurt, why are u smiling as if u  understand and hate and pity me? Sana disentangle… hey u desperate manhunter…. How dare u leap out of my lap with the smug expression……. U think u can make the ‘more beautiful one’ hate me? OK u have a fair enuf dream chance of having me if she does begin to hate me……..

Hey now this is incomprehensible! Why is nitika not crying? And why is sana not gloating over her victory? Why is SHE the one to look sad?
Nitika….just last morning u came to me and said u love me….my love (at least attraction) for u has grown infinitefold since then…Why are you exchanging glances with Sana? Sana…….you Do love me, don’t u? didn’t u touch my lips, caressed my dimple, tell me u love my eyes…….HEY YOU seduced me… Nitika SHE seduced me…..what sana? YOU cannot buy me for 10 rupees!!! Nitika…..u cant sell me for 10 rs like this!!!!! What is this?

SANA- you were right nitika…ashwin is a pendulum. You win the bet. I know now whats wrong with my physics….good u gave me sound advice….sorry for the tears I shed when u insulted this big fool. You are a smart girl!

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